TechEthos does not act alone in addressing ethical challenges related to emerging technologies.
Cluster of related projects
TechEthos built a cluster of 15+ EU-funded projects all working in the field of Research EthicsResearch ethics require researchers to pay attention to the effects of their research [...] and/or emerging technologiesTechnologies whose development and application are not completely realised or finished, and whose potential lies in the future. [...]. The cluster met regularly starting in February 2022 to discuss the following objectives:
Exchange experiences and knowledge
Act in synergy for activities and events
Align future plans
We cooperate with:

assistance (2019-2022)
The main purpose of ASSISTANCE project is twofold: to help and protect different kind of first responders’ (FR) organizations that work together during the mitigation of large disasters (natural or man-made) and to enhance their capabilities and skills for facing complex situations related to different types of incidents.

HR-RECYCLER (2018-2022)
HR-RECYCLER will target the development of a ‘hybrid human-robot recycling plant for electrical and electronic equipment’ operating in an indoor environment. The fundamental aim of the system will be to replace manual, expensive, hazardous and time-consuming tasks of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment materials pre-processing with correspondingly automatic robotic-based procedures.

pop AI (2021-2023)
The use of artificial intelligence is increasing in a wide range of applications, making it the focus of law enforcement agencies concerned with safeguarding privacy and fundamental rights. The EU-funded pop AI project will work to boost trust in AI by increasing awareness and current social engagement, consolidating distinct spheres of knowledge by academics and non-academics, and delivering a unified European view and recommendations.

SYNCH (2019-2023)
SYNCH will create a hybrid system where a neural network in the brain of a living animal and a silicon neural network of spiking neurons on a chip are interconnected by neuromorphic synapses, thus enabling co-evolution of connectivity and co-processing of information of the two networks.
Scanning of projects and results
TechEthos is also carefully scanning past activities and research in this field in order to build on already existing, high quality results.
You might be interested in the work of these past projects closely related to TechEthos:

Panelfit (2018-2022)
PANELFIT is helping stakeholders, policy makers, and end users adapt to Changes in the regulation of ICT research and innovation by producing a set of editable, open access guidelines to reduce the ethical and legal issues posed by ICT technologies.
SIENNA (2017-2021)
SIENNA developed ethical frameworksEthical frameworks outline general or specific principles [...] More, recommendations for better regulation and operational tools for the ethical management of human genomics, human enhancement and AI & robotics.
Are you currently working on a topic that might be of interest to TechEthos?
Do you think your research results can contribute to our work?