In short
This report scrutinizes current ethical guidelinesEthical guidelines collect general or specific principles [...] More for three new and emerging technologiesTechnologies whose development and application are not completely realised or finished, and whose potential lies in the future. [...] (Climate EngineeringTechEthos defines climate engineering as a technology family which enables the modification of natural processes [...] More Technologies, Digital Extended Reality, and Neurotechnologies) and proposes targeted improvements – based on the technology functions, applications, and socio-economic impacts.
The document proposes a series of key recommendations that can be used for proposed improvements to guidelines.
- Bespoke Governance: Establish relevant administrative bodies for guideline application, with training and support.
- Diverse StakeholderIn TechEthos, we invite different stakeholder to join our Advisory and Impact Board [...] Participation: Facilitate engagementPublic engagement describes the myriad of ways in which the activity and benefits of higher education and research can be shared with the public [...] across stakeholders, fostering co-creation and co-decision making.
- Impact Testing: Assess guideline efficacy with real-world examples to ensure practical outcomes.
- Inter-Sector Skills Exchange: Institutionalize collaboration between technology providers and policymakers.
- Responsibility to the Future: Prioritize responsible forecasting, ethical defensibility, and sustainability.
- Social and Communicative Awareness: Cultivate social awareness among developers, enhancing accessibility and feedback.
Find out more about each recommendation by downloading the policy brief below.
Sara Cannizzaro (DMU), Laurence Brooks (DMU), Kathleen Richardson (DMU), Nitika Bhalla (DMU), Bennet Francis (UT), Dominic Lenzi (UT)
Date of publication
30 September 2023
Draft version submitted to the European Commission for review
Cite this resource
Cannizzaro, S., Bhalla, N., Brooks, L., Richardson, K., Francis, B. and Lenzi, D. (2023), TechEthos Deliverable D5.3: Suggestions for the revision of existing operational guidelines for climate engineering, neurotechnologies and digital XR technologies. Available at