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Time horizon to mass market

The time within which a technology application will be widely deployed on the market. In TechEthos, we are considering the following indicative time scale: short (between 1 and 3 years), medium (between 3 and 5 years) and long (more than 5 years). 


Porcari A., Buceti G., Pimponi D., Gonzalez G., Buchinger E., Kienegger M., Zahradnik G., Bernstein MJ, (2022), Ethical and social impacts-driven horizon scanning of new and emerging technologies. Deliverable 1.3 to the European Commission. TechEthos Project Deliverable. Available at:

Glossary of terms

Terms featuring an asterisk are considered to be too frequent and as such are not popping up across the texts of our posts and pages. You can still access their definitions from the main glossary page.
