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Criteria for ethical review by RECs in emerging technology research

Deliverable | 28 October 2023

In short

This deliverable underlines the complexities of ethical review processes within Research Ethics Committees (RECs) concerning emerging technologies like neurotechnology (NT), digital extended reality (DXR), and climate engineering (CE).

Thanks to a comprehensive methodology involving literature review, REC member surveys, and expert workshops, the report identifies critical challenges faced by RECs. These challenges comprise both structural aspects (e.g., limitations in scope and expertise) and topical elements (including the assessment of fairness, autonomy, and private sector involvement)

The document provides vital recommendations aimed at enhancing REC capabilities and promoting ethical research practices in the realm of new and emerging technologies.


Carly Seedall (EUREC Office), Tom Lindemann (EUREC), Renate Klar (EUREC), Lisa Tambornino (EUREC).

Date of publication

28 October 2023


Draft version submitted to the European Commission for review

Cite this resource

Seedall, C., Lindemann, T., Klar, R., Tambornino, L., (2023). Criteria for ethical review by RECs in emerging technology research. TechEthos Project Deliverable. Available at:


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