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Ethics of climate engineering: Don’t forget technology has an ethical aspect too

Ethics of climate engineering: Don’t forget technology has an ethical aspect too


Laurence Brooks, De Montfort University (DMU), Sara Cannizzaro, DMU, Steven Umbrello, Delft University of Technology, Michael J. Bernstein, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Kathleen Richardson, DMU

Date of publication

10 November 2021

In short

This opinion paper on climate change published in the International Journal of Information Management argues that climate change might well be the most important issue of the 21st century and that the world’s response, in the form of ‘Climate Engineering’, is of equal pre-eminent importance. Besides the technological challenges that Climate Engineering generates, the authors highlight the equally important ethical challenges it is likely to raise. Based on the findings of the TechEthos project, they highlight autonomy, freedom, integrity, human rights and privacy as key considerations, while noting a poverty of ethical values reflecting dignity and trust.

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Laurence Brooks, Sara Cannizzaro, Steven Umbrello, Michael J. Bernstein, Kathleen Richardson, Ethics of climate engineering: Don’t forget technology has an ethical aspect too, International Journal of Information Management, 2021, 102449, ISSN 0268-4012,


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New and emerging technologies: A horizon scan

New and emerging technologies: A horizon scan

Publication | 30 July 2022

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This report describes in detail the 16 technology families that emerged from TechEthos’ horizon scan of technologies with significant socio-economic impact and ethical dimensions expected to be developed and deployed in the next five to ten years.

Specific technologies were grouped and clustered into broader families based on their functions, applications, ethical and societal challenges addressed. Dedicated factsheets present the functions and capabilities, industrial sectors, specific technologies and their areas of application, time to market, key ethical issues and expected socio-economic impacts for each technology family.

The impact assessment leading to the choice of these technologies and the final selection of the technology portfolio are the focus of two other TechEthos reports, the first of which can be accessed via this link.


Andrea Porcari, Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca Industriale (Airi), Daniela Pimponi, Airi, Gustavo Gonzalez, Airi, Giuliano Buceti, Airi, Eva Buchinger, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT), Manuela Kienegger, AIT, Michael Bernstein, AIT, Georg Zahradnik, AIT

Date of publication

31 July 2021


Deliverable accepted by the European Commission

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Porcari, A., Pimponi, D., Gonzalez, G., Buceti, G., Buchinger, E., Kienegger, M., Bernstein, M., Zahradnik, G. (2021). Description of selected high socio-economic impact technologies. Deliverable 1.1 for the European Commission. TechEthos Project Deliverable. Available at:


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TechEthos’ visual identity and communication channels

TechEthos’ visual identity and communication channels

Publication | 30 June 2021

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TechEthos aims to shine a spotlight on ethics within the sphere of technology innovation. In particular, it targets new and emerging technologies which raise complex ethical issues and are expected to have significant impacts on the economy and society within a five-to-ten-year horizon. With outputs and activities aimed at audiences from academia, industry and the general public alike, it needed a professional yet friendly look.

This report presents the process and final choices that allowed TechEthos to develop its visual identity and the communication channels chosen for the project.


Andrew Whittington-Davis, Ecsite – The European Network of Science Centres and Museums, Cristina Paca, Ecsite

Date of publication

30 June 2021


Deliverable accepted by the European Commission

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Whittington-Davis, A., Paca, C. (2021). D7.1 Visual identity, project website, social media accounts, and marketing materials. TechEthos Project Deliverable. Available at:


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Scan of publicly available Research Ethics and Integrity results

Scan of publicly available Research Ethics and Integrity results

Publication | 30 June 2021

In short

This report gathers input (e.g.,reports, tools, and other documents) from other EU-funded projects in the areas of Research Ethics (RE) and Research Integrity (RI) which could be relevant to the work that will be carried out by TechEthos. In the long run, this will contribute to synchronize EU projects and their outcomes as well.


Lisa Tambornino, European Network of Research Ethics Committees (EUREC Office gUG), Renate Klar, EUREC Office gUG, Patrick Taylor Smith, University of Twente

Date of publication

30 June 2021


Final version approved by the European Commission

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Tambornino, L., Klar, R., Smith, P.T. (2021). Scan of publicly available results of other EU funded research ethics (RE) and research integrity (RI) projects regarding their relevance for the work in TechEthos. Deliverable 6.1 for the European Commission. TechEthos Project Deliverable. Available at:


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