Articles about Societal Issues
Opinion Piece | 07 April 2023
Can you change the world with 12.5 euros a day?
1,50 US dollar. This is the hourly rate of so-called “data labelers”, workers moderating and labeling online content. Yes, we can do better.
News | 30 January 2023
TechEthos game workshops: exploring public awareness & attitudes
What might a world in which technologies like the metaverse or neuroimaging have reached their full potential look like? Would you be in favour of implementing these technologies? Or would you rather forge a completely different world?
News | 07 July 2022
A Science & Technology chat over coffee
From June to September, the six science engagementPublic engagement describes the myriad of ways in which the activity and benefits of higher education and research can be shared with the public [...] organisations involved in the TechEthos project will hold a series of Science Cafés and engage with hundreds of citizens in Austria, Czech Republic, Romania, Serbia, Spain, and Sweden. Citizens will be invited to discuss new and emerging technologiesTechnologies whose development and application are not completely realised or finished, and whose potential lies in the future. [...] with scientists, innovators, engineers and civil society.
News | 21 December 2021
Introducing the TechEthos technology families
Based on a wide-ranging horizon scanning of over 100 new and emerging technologies, TechEthos selected three families of technologies that are expected to have disruptive socio-economic and ethical implications which will now be the main focus point for the TechEthos project.