Our Activities
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Considering the results of our analysis, TechEthos will produce valuable policy advice for the effective governance of new and emerging technologiesTechnologies whose development and application are not completely realised or finished, and whose potential lies in the future. [...] at national, EU and the international level.
Still to come
We considered the implications of our analysis for existing ethical frameworksEthical frameworks outline general or specific principles [...] More and outlined a framework for how ethics can be included effectively in the governance of emerging technologies.
We proposed potential changes to legal frameworks and discussed the principles that should be followed when reforming such frameworks. We provided a set of recommendations based on legal principles, ethical considerations, and input from TechEthos consortium partners and the Advisory and Impact Board (ADIM Board).
We scrutinized current ethical guidelinesEthical guidelines collect general or specific principles [...] More for our three new and emerging technologies (Digital Extended Reality, and Neurotechnologies) and proposed targeted improvements and recommendations – based on the technology functions, applications, and socio-economic impacts.
In June 2023, ALLEA released the revised edition of The European Code of Conduct for Research IntegrityA document serving as guidance for European researchers in their work [...]. These revisions took place in the context of the EU-funded TechEthos project, with the aim to also identify gaps and necessary additions related to the integration of ethics in research protocols and the possible implications of new technologies and their applications.