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Meet the Organisations Behind TechEthos

Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca Industriale, ITALY

Airi – Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca Industriale, ITALY

Airi is a private non-profit association representative of a national network of about 100 members: large companies, SMEs’s, research organisations, public research bodies and universities, financial institutions and industrial associations. Airi’s mission is to promote industrial research. Its activity concerns technology assessment and foresight, dissemination, promotion of cooperation between industry and public research, multi-stakeholder dialogues and technology transfer, with a strong focus on Sustainability and Responsible Research and Innovation.

Role in the project

Airi leads the work on scanning the technology horizon for the identification of new and emerging technologies which are likely to have a high impact on our societies and economies, assessing their application areas and exploring their societal challenges and impacts.


partnerAndrea Porcari
Project Manager


All European Academies, NETHERLANDS & GERMANY

ALLEA – All European Academies, NETHERLANDS & GERMANY

ALLEA is the European Federation of Academies of Sciences and Humanities, representing more than 50 academies from over 40 countries in Europe. Since its foundation in 1994, ALLEA speaks out on behalf of its members on the European and international stages, promotes science as a global public good, and facilitates scientific collaboration across borders and disciplines. Jointly with its Member Academies, ALLEA works towards improving the conditions for research, providing the best independent and interdisciplinary science advice, and strengthening the role of science in society.

Role in the project

ALLEA will contribute to enhancing existing legal and ethical frameworks, ensuring that TechEthos outputs are in line with and may complement future updates to the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity. They will also disseminate results to a wide scholarly community and in particular to key Research Integrity stakeholders from the science academies of Europe.


partnerMathijs Vleugel
Science Policy Officer


Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives, FRANCE

CEA – Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives, FRANCE

The CEA (Atomic & Alternative Energies Commission) is a French Governmental Research Organization devoted to both fundamental and industrial R&D. Through fundamental research in physics and chemistry, the Fundamental Research Division strongly contributes to all of CEA research programs in many fields of expertise, from renewable and nuclear energy, to health, lasers, micro and nanotechnology. The “Laboratory of Philosophy of Science” (CEA/DRF/IRFU/Larsim) is devoted to researching the relationship between science and society, focusing on the ethics of new technologies, such as nanotechnology, synthetic biology, robotics and artificial intelligence, and on education about the risks and benefits of science and technology for different audiences.

Role in the project

CEA will contribute to our work concerning research ethics, normative ethical reflection, and the development of guidelines and training modules.


partnerAlexei Grinbaum
Researcher working on ethics of new technologies


De Montfort University, United Kingdom

DMU – De Montfort University, United Kingdom

De Montfort University (DMU) is a leading younger university in the UK with approximately 21,300 students and 2,950 staff. DMU’s School of Computer Science and Informatics (SCS&I) includes teaching, learning and research/commercial activities that broadly span computer science, computer security, information systems as well as games programming and artificial intelligence. The Centre for Computing and Social Responsibility (CCSR)is the only research centre in the UK specialising in the ethical and social issues of computing and information systems. It has a vibrant community of active researchers, participates in a number of EU funded projects and offers organisations independent advice on areas such as computer ethics, and Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI).

Role in the project

DMU will lead the ethical analysis of the selected technologies, as well as contribute to other project tasks such as the development of new guidelines which will help the Research and Innovation community to integrate the ethical dimensions in their existing or new research protocols.


partnerLaurence Brooks
Professor/Lead on the project’s Ethical Analysis


European Network of Science Centres and Museums, Belgium

ECSITE – European Network of Science Centres and Museums, Belgium

Ecsite, the European Network for Science Centres and Museums, is the only Europe-wide network organization that links science centres and museums, natural history museums, zoos, aquariums, universities and research organisations among its 350 active members. The common thread uniting these organisations is a commitment to public engagement: pursuing the vision of fostering creativity and critical thinking in European society and emboldening citizens to engage with science and technology issues. Ecsite facilitates cooperation among Europe’s science centres and museums – establishing standards, sharing expertise, disseminating best practice, encouraging collaboration and developing training programmes.

Role in the project

Ecsite contributes to the public engagement activities of the project: developing the tools and coordinating six of its members as they deploy this methodology on the ground. They also lead the project’s presence online and support advocacy efforts in Brussels.


Cristina Paca
Project Manager


European Network of Research Ethics Committees Office, Germany

EUREC Office – European Network of Research Ethics Committees Office, Germany

EUREC Office is a European non-profit organisation whose purpose is to promote cooperation between national networks of research ethics committees (RECs) in Europe and to provide a platform of exchange on research ethics. The network interlinks European RECs with other bodies relevant in fields of research involving human participants, like national ethics councils and the European Commission’s ethical review system. EUREC provides a sustainable infrastructure for cooperation among RECs and raises awareness of specific working practices across Europe. In this way, EUREC strives to enhance the shared knowledge base of European RECs, to support coherent reviews and opinions, and to help RECs meet new challenges and address emerging ethical issues.

Role in the project

EUREC will lead TechEthos’ cooperation and synergies with other relevant projects and stakeholder activities including the advisory and impact board. EUREC will also be involved in ethical analysis of our selected technologies, as well as in the development of ethical guidelines that might be necessary for Research Ethics Committees.


partnerRenate Klar
Project Manager


Trilateral Research, United Kingdom & Ireland

TRI – Trilateral Research, United Kingdom & Ireland

Trilateral Research, with branches in both the United Kingdom and Ireland, specialises in research and the provision of strategic, policy and regulatory advice on new technologies, privacy, risk, surveillance and security issues. Their focus is on understanding the impacts of new technologies and identifying solutions that enhance innovation whilst ensuring responsible practices. The team collaborates across social science, ethics, legal analysis, and technology development to bring insights from each into supporting innovation respectful of ethical and social values. It has particular know-how on ethics and the law of data protection and is offering its expertise both within research projects and for public and private organisations.

Role in the project

TRI leads the policy, legal, and regulatory analysis and the communication activities of the project. It will carry out, among others, our media scan and an assessment of the need for new legislation at the EU level.


partnerAnais Resseguier
Senior Research Analyst


Technische Universiteit Delft, Netherlands

TUD – Technische Universiteit Delft, Netherlands

The Technische Universiteit Delft (TUD) is the oldest, largest and most comprehensive university of technology in the Netherlands. With over 21,000 students and 3,000 academic staff (including 400 full professors), it is an establishment of national importance and of significant international standing. The Ethics and Philosophy of Technology Section of TUD is part of the Department of Values, Technology and Innovation at the Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management (TPM). The Ethics and Philosophy of Technology Section of TUD is world-leading in research on ethics of technological risk, design for values and responsible innovation.

Role in the project

TUD provides expertise in the ethical and societal issues of emerging technologies and in methods for exploring those issues with expert and citizen stakeholders through scenarios and serious games.


partnerPieter Vermaas
Associate Professor in Philosophy of Design


University of Sheffield, United Kingdom

University of Sheffield, United Kingdom

Sheffield is a research university with a global reputation for excellence. The university of Sheffield is renowned for the excellence, impact and distinctiveness of its research-led learning and teaching.


partnerLaurence Brooks
Professor of Information Systems


University of Twente, Netherlands

UT – University of Twente, Netherlands

The University of Twente is an entrepreneurial research university that focuses on technological developments in a social context. The University leads the 4TU.Centre for Ethics and Technology, one of the six Centres of Excellence of the 4TU.Federation. 4TU.Ethics brings together the expertise of the philosophy departments of the four technical universities in the Netherlands (Delft, Eindhoven, Twente, Wageningen) in the field of ethics of science, technology and engineering. The Department of Philosophy at the UT concentrates its research efforts exclusively in philosophy and ethics of technology and has become internationally recognized as one of the leading centers for philosophical and ethical analysis of technology and its role in contemporary society.

Role in the project

UT will participate in the ethical analysis of emerging climate technologies; coordinate the development of operational ethical guidelines for research into emerging technology and the creation of ethical tools and processes to educate the ethical sensibilities of researchers.


partnerDominic Lenzi
Assistant Professor


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